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A 6 month vortex to get serious about your business.

A Witch Bitch Whore Experience with The Whoracle™

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Are you ready to stop Fucking your own shit up and start taking audacious action?

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Are you stuck eating bonbons and feathering while self pleasuring yourself all day? 

Did you dive so deep into Pleasure Town that you can’t find your way back to making shit happen? 

Are you flying around in the astral realms and can’t come down to Earth to ground and handle your business?


Are you such a bitch to yourself that all you can do is cower and hide?




You can’t just sex magic your way to the bank. YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO DO SHIT!


Are you ready to stop fucking shit up and start taking audacious action?

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Welcome to Audacious, my signature Wake TF up and smell the Bitch Coffee Power Program! 

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It’s a business initiation for magically minded coaches & entrepreneurs who want to explode their brands & businesses, unleash their authentic expression & become unfuckwithable


Stepping into being the head oracle and face of your own business is some of the most intense personal growth work you will ever undertake. 

I worked in the Entertainment Industry for decades brokering deals between top Hollywood and Corporate brands and developing marketing partnerships. Nothing could have prepared me for what it would be like to launch a brand and a business online called Witch Bitch Whore with me as its face using my real name. Nothing.


I’ve spent the last three years developing my unique and Whoracle tested Witch Bitch Whore Methodology to infuse your life and business with Practical Magic, unleash the Power to be who you want to be, say what you want to say, and get paid cause you handle it. And of course, do it all with Pleasure.


That’s why I created Audacious.

Imagine SIX WHORE MONTHS dedicated to being audacious, upleveling your power, manifesting your deepest desires, and learning how to handle your shit like a Big Bitch Pro.


Rather than riding the roller coaster of forcing ourselves to perform and then blowing it all off, you discover the best way to build consistent structure and discipline and do it all with pleasure.

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We work with the 7 Witch Bitch Whore Pillars of Unleashment and the 3 Es of Freedomme: Empowerment, Embodiment, and Expression to turn out the most Audacious version of yourself.


It's powerful repatterning, reconditioning and rebirth from the inside out.


No more hiding. No more silencing that inner voice that keeps telling you to be bigger, bolder, louder in a world that has taught you to shut TF up and never be anything other than pretty, polite, and perfect. Fuck that! 


It’s time to stop talking about stepping into your power and finally doing it!!

Are you ready for the last 6 months of the year to absolutely kick ass!??

Who is this Container for?

You are reading this page thinking to yourself “This is exactly what I need!”... even though you might be scared shitless!


You run what looks to everyone else like a successful business but behind the scenes, it’s a high-level shit show, and you are ready to fix it.


You don’t take any of your own advice, and you would fire yourself if you worked anywhere else but for yourself. 


You want to embody the most powerful version of yourself, and you seriously need help


You have a message and vision so big it scares you so instead of showing up you keep hiding.


You are a top-notch self saboteur, and you are tired of your own excuses and bullshit!


You know exactly what you want to do, but the problem is you aren’t doing it!

Who is this not for?

Bitches whose shit is so on lock they are tired of crushing it all day and only have the energy to get out their crystal wands and self pleasure!


Those who enjoy fucking their own shit up and DON’T want to bring more structure and pleasure to their business.


Those who LOVE making it hard and don’t want to take an honest look at themselves and how they have been getting in their own way.


Those who don’t work well in a group, don’t trust women and don’t want to learn how.


Those who don’t want to take responsibility and only want to hire someone else to *try* to make them accountable because they aren’t willing to show up for themselves and have no interest in taking ownership.


People who don’t like cursing and think the words Witch, Bitch and/or Whore are upsetting or offensive


Well, my friend, if you are still reading, it's time to put on your Big Bitch Pants and join Audacious!

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It’s time to stop talking

about stepping into your power and finally start doing it!!!

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Sacred Business Structure and Systems, Embodying your Audacious Archetype, Creating Your Personal Brand, Embodied Leadership, How to give Less Fucks and the Right Fucks

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The Bitch Power

Tool Box


All the tips, tricks, tools, best practices and Whoracle Hacks that I have found most effective for me and my clients

Group Calls with The Whoracle


2x per month live group calls to ask questions, get coaching, receive feedback, be witnessed or celebrated in all your glory as well as your shit.

Monthly Office Hours


1 x per Month office hours so you can bring your questions and ask for feedback from the guest experts and The Whoracle


Monthly Foundational Trainings

1 x per month guest expert or special Whoracle training on foundational topics to help you build or rebuild your business in a way that feels powerful, ethical, pleasurable and turns you TF on. 


Trainings and instructors are handpicked by The Whoracle and focus on topics like Setting up Your Sacred Business Structure and Systems, Embodying your Audacious Archetype, Creating Your Personal Brand, Embodied Leadership, How to give Less Fucks and the Right Fucks


1x a month movement practice to unleash your spiral snake. This is a belly dance and pelvic liberation class. 

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Everything in Audacious is divinely guided. Be aware that things may change, the order may shift and new experts may be brought in depending on the needs of the group for this round.


Replays will be available after live calls


Unleash Your Audacious Power

How to use the Bitch Power Tools + create Sacred Structure and Devoted Discipline.

Unleash Your Audacious Archetype

Step into your most Powerful Audacious Archetype and put it in command.

Unleash Your Audacious Brand

Create a brand that turns you TF on so you can embody TF out of it.

Unleash Your Audacious Expression

Lean into your most authentic expression and deliver your message in a way that feels really good.

Unleash Your Audacious Leadership

Be a powerful leader so you can be a show up bitch in your business and for your mission.

Unleash Your Audaciously Unfuckwithable Force

Stand in your power while giving just the right fucks

Unleash Your Audacious Spiral Snake

A sacred guided movement practice designed to reconnect to the primal feminine serpentine

Well, my friend, it's time to join

If you know you are a yes to Audacious, I am offering the first 5 spots at the Early Bitch price of $555 per month!


You will receive the full 6 month program which includes the Bitch Power Tools, 2 Monthly group calls with the Whoracle, and 1 Guest trainer and office hours each month!

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If you are a yes to Audacious, I am offering the first 5 spots at the Early Bitch price of $555 per month for six months!!!


You will receive the full 6 month program which includes the Bitch Power Tools, 2 Monthly group calls with the Whoracle, and 1 foundational training and 1 office hour session each month!



$555 Per Month for 6 months.



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For those who want more personalized support, there is a special VIB (Very Important Bitch) upgrade to $1,555 per month for those who want Audacious + a one hour private session each month with the Whoracle to go deeper. There will only be 10 VIB upgrades available, so if you want it, grab it. $9000 for Pay in Full + 1 one hour session as a bonus for Pay in Full

$1555 Per Month for 6 months.

$9000 Paid in full.

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Once those are gone, they are gone and regular pricing will be $777 a month for 6 months. If you pay in full, you will receive one 30 minute private session with the Whoracle as a bonus.


You will get: 

  • The Six Month Acceleration Container beginning on the Summer Solstice June 21 (with a possible three month extension to Spring Equinox)

  • The Witch Bitch Whore Method (Bitch) Power Tools: All the tips, tricks, tools and Whoracle Hacks that have proven the most effective for supporting me as an entrepreneur and practitioner of the healing arts and the ones I see are the most powerful for my clients

  • 2x per month group calls with Amy aka The Whoracle to ask questions, get coaching, receive feedback, and to be witnessed and celebrated in all your glory as well as your shit

  • 1 x per Month guest experts or special Whoracle trainings on topics likeSetting up systems, Embodying Audacious Archetypes, Branding and Image presentation

  • 1 x per Month office hours

$777 Per Month for 6 months.


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